Anti-Slavery and Identity

Identity in Christ

Anti-Slavery through Justice and Compassion

Our team is dedicated to changing the lives of the most vulnerable in South Thailand. This includes many women and children that have been trafficked to this region from other parts of Thailand for the purposes of the red-light industry.

Some are trafficked here and become virtual, or actual slaves to those that hold their documents. They are forced to work until their debts are paid off. Often, these debts are structured so that they can never be paid.

We work with local organizations and federal and local policing agencies to see that those enslaving other people are brought to justice, and those that who are enslaved have a safe place to go.

Wonderful recent (2023) Alpha training with this group of world changers. Our friends from the US, Canada and Thailand are with women at risk each week. Showing them the love of Christ through their words and actions.

Please keep theses women, the women their minister to and their families in prayer.

Did you know that they actual buying and selling of other human beings is the second largest industry in the world?

CIA USA 2018

We do street outreach, start prayer groups, begin Bible studies and work with local churches within these sub-cultures to show women and their children that they are loved sons and daughters of God. We help them to see their identity in Christ and see their value as it really stands eternally.

Partner with us to stop human trafficking and make it possible for them to live the life full of joy and abundance that is possible through Christ.